Friday, June 10, 2016

Hype Up your Teaching with Hyperdocs

Recently I have been learning about a cool teaching tool called a "hyperdoc".  When I first heard about hyperdocs I thought to myself; "Whoopdy do!  It is a document with hyperlinks."  I also questioned how this was different than an interactive student learning menu which I wrote about in a previous post. However, after further investigation I realized if designed correctly, a hyperdoc provides the platform for a multi-layered digital lesson that really engages and inspires students.

A hyperdoc in simplest terms is a "hyper" google doc linked to all sorts of online teaching and learning materials needed for students to complete a unit of study.  A true hyperdoc provides inquiry learning opportunities to discover new information. These can be in the form of questions with links to videos, presentations, images, cartoons, info-graphics, and interactive web tools such as Ed-Puzzle and Quizlet.  Hyperdocs also include tasks for the students to design or make something as means to apply their new knowledge.  This could include a web site, Hyper "Google" maps, movies, presentations, 3D models and so on.  Hyperdocs are a great tool to differentiate instruction and can be used at any grade level and are cross curricular.  

Below are links to example Hyperdocs that you could use.  Make a copy of the doc if you want to tweak it to fit your personnel needs.  This does not even begin to scrape the surface of examples and templates you can find on line.  

Coordinate Geometry 
Oregon Trail
World History:  Why Where Japanese Americans Interned During WWII
Solving Equations Hyperdoc (Algebra) 
Love and Hate (Romeo & Juliet)
Adaptation Hyperdoc Lesson
Hyperdocs & Templates (Google Drive Folder chocked fool of examples and templates)!!

Hyperdocs were co-created by three inspiring educators named Lisa Highfil, Kelly Hilton and Sarah Landis.  If you don't already follow them on Twitter you should. They also have created a Twitter account named "Teachers Give Teachers
" @TsGiTs where Teachers can share hyperdocs that they have created. Why recreate the wheel? Start here first to get your feet wet. 

You may also want to join in on one of their Hyperdoc Hangouts On Air (Google Hangout Sessions) that take place every Tuesday on Twitter. However, if that is not your thing, all episodes are archived here on YouTube.  These videos will show you how to effectively create hyperdocs so they are not just a substitution for the old worksheet method of instruction. They can easily be made using Google Docs, Slides, or Sites.  

"WARNING - Hyperdocs without creativity can turn into simple technology substitutions for old school worksheets"

(Image from:

To learn more about Hyperdocs check out Lisa Highfil's Google Sites page: Hyperdocs - Changing Digital Pedagogy  While you are there, don't miss the Hyperdoc tour!  

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