Monday, December 12, 2011

Let Class DoJo bring out your Class MoJo!!

Danial San....if you are struggling with keeping your students focused and on task, "ClassDoJo" may be how to "wax on wax off".

ClassDoJo is a free real time classroom behavior management tool that students of all ages respond to in a positive manner. This free web-based tool is an easy way to engage your classroom by recognising positive behaviors as they happen.

"ClassDojo enables you to easily award and record points, achievements and rewards for behavior and performance in class in real-time, with just one click of your computer or portable device such as a itouch or smartphone. ClassDojo provides instant visual notifications for your students (‘Well done Josh! +1 for teamwork!’) with a whole host of game mechanics: think level-ups, badges and achievements to unlock, in-classroom games, avatars and leader boards. Oh - and all fully customisable! ClassDojo provides behavior-tracking analytics, dashboards and reports for parents and administrators, all at one-click. No extra data entry required!"

Here's how it works. Once you set up your free account, you will simply "create" or "add" a class. This involves typing in your student's names in the text box provided. Each student gets assigned a class dojo monster avatar. Next is to add some behaviors that you would want to reward. The program comes with built in positive and negative behaviors that you can delete, modify, and add your own to. That's it!! Now you are ready to display your little monsters on your whiteboard where you can award or take away points to your students depending on their class behavior and performance. Most kids are competitive in nature and will learn very quickly what behavior it takes to have their classroom avatar earn points and what behavior will cause them to loose points.

Check out these two videos that show how teachers are using ClassDojo in there classroom and how it is making a difference in their classroom Mojo!!

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