I Wordle. Do you Wordle? What fun it is to Wordle. OK, OK, I'll stop. Wordle, is one of the recent "hot" websites breaking into classrooms. What does it do? It makes Word Clouds. Word Clouds are such a fun way to play with words!! Teachers of all subjects and grade levels are finding all sorts of creative ways to use word clouds instructionally with their students. Uses include vocabulary lessons, spelling activities, word analyses, pre-reading activities, writing reflection and analyses, data representation in math, poetry analyses, creative writing, brainstorming activities, analyses of art and music pieces, visualization tools, ....I could go on and on. Foreign language teachers love Wordle since you can create clouds in multiple languages! How about using Wordle with your SMARTBoard!!
Wordle is very simple to use. Users simply type their own words or copy and paste words from existing text into the program. Wordle will then arrange the words into word clouds, increasing the size of the most frequently used words. You can then change the shape of your cloud, change the font choice, and color options. The clouds can then be printed or embedded into a blog, wiki, or web page.
Here are a couple links to sample lesson plans using Wordle:
ELA: Writing/Word Analyses Using Jokes
Foreign Language: Text analysis of newspaper article pertaining to current event (Environment).
If you have a Wordle lesson idea to share....post it here!!
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