The Museum Box is a cool little site that I have had on my list of sites to post about for a while. It allows students to create what I like to call a "virtual or interactive time capsule" filled with information pertaining to a specific event in time, a person, place, etc. This is a great way for kids to debate a topic presenting their argument through visuals that can include documents, images, videos, and sound. Students can also view and comment on museum boxes submitted by others.
The Museum Box interface is pretty slick and your students will quickly learn how to create their boxes using the onscreen "eye catching" buttons and easy to follow directions. The box is divided into multi -layered cubes, with each side of the cube containing the artifact (document, image, etc.). Another feature I like is that it does not require using a specific Internet browser. It will work on Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Chrome, etc.
Set up is easy, but does require an initial school registration that is free. Your account has to be verified that can take up to 5 days. This allows you the ability review and approve your pupils' work. Once you are approved, you can login to the Teacher Administration area and create student accounts (under Manage Users) or ask your pupils to sign up and select your school from the school list. Once this is done, when pupils submit their boxes they will go to you for review and publication.
Here's a video that overviews Musum Box from EduTeacher TV. Check it out!!